orange elips
orange elips
orange elips
Polygon brown
Polygon brown
Polygon brown

All Frequiently Asked Questions

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Why Pixel Retouching for my photo editing and retouching work?

We provide one of the best editing opportunities on the market. You can easily access yourphotos, and pay us in a variety of ways for high-quality editing and retouching, and post-processing work. We always work to keep the quality of our photo editing service. Thus, you’llreceive top-quality services fast at a reasonable price. According to the projects, we provide ourcommitted expert designers.

Where is Pixel Retouching located?

Pixel Retouching is a renowned company for graphic design solutions. There are many designservices but not all of them deliver top-quality work. Therefore, we are working from Bangladesh,a south Asian country and you have no doubt that you’ll receive superior service from us.

Do you work on weekends?

It always depends on the type of project. In general, our team is available 24 hours from Mondayto Saturday. However, if necessary we always try to keep our clients happy and to meet theirneeds. For this reason, if it is necessary to work on the weekend, we’ll surely do it for you.

Do you have any certification?

We are a team of expert designers. Our team is well-educated in the design sector. At the sametime, we are working for a decade in the design industry. We have some local and internationalrecognition you can surely check from the feedback section. For this reason, we can assure youof guaranteed work without any hassle

What is your working time?

We offer 24 hours service as we have always ready designers in our team. We ensure no-delaydelivery for our work. If we need to do extra work on the weekends we do it to keep our clientshappy without any extra charge. Need to mention, our support will give you the necessary supportall the time

What image editing software do you use for editing services?

For editing services, we use the up-to-date Adobe Image Editing Suite to edit the images. Ourservice ensures quality editing and retouching for all our clients. We guarantee our work forcommercial uses for promotion as well as for personal branding


What is the turnaround time of Pixel Retouching?

We work following your instructions and the time period you need. Important to realize, the turningtime depends on the type of work, amount of images, complexity, and projects. We ensure fastwork keeping the quality. So, we encourage you to contact us to get an overall idea about yourprojects

What is the system of the free trial?

Our trial period is completely free. Here you get the chance of the ability to edit one image foreach service when deciding to work with us. We provide a trial for free to test the quality of theediting process. When you like the editing work, we will goforward with the next steps. To getmore information about the free trial according to your project or images, please contact our teamor read our privacy policy about the trial period.

How can I send images for the free trial?

It is quite easy to sendimages for a free trial. We will share an email address and send us animage with your instructions to get the job done. After finishing our work, we will again transferthe file to you following the same method. If you need further revision, you may contact us to doit properly. Hope you have understood

What kinds of photos do you retouch?

We offer retouching services for any kind of photo. Our retouching work is highly enhanced andimproved. If you want to know more about theRetouching services of Pixel Retouching, checkout the photo retouching service page.

How can I get several variations of my images?

When you are taking our services, mention the variations you need. We will work according to theguideline. Again, please ensure the required variations you need before submitting the order.

Do you provide PSD with the layered output?

Yes, we do it for our clients. But you need to mention it when submitting the order. It may increasethe rates of post-production. Actually, it takes time, we need to do some extra work. To ensure,there is no problem with taking PSD layered output.

What type of image editing and retouching services do you offer?
We provide any type of image editing services that includes background removal, headshotretouching, photo retouching, editing, photo manipulation, eCommerce product photo editing,shadowing, color enhancement, portrait enhancement, image cropping and resizing, glamorretouching, sky replacement, body retouching, jewelry retouching, real estate photo editing, etc.
Actually, we do all types of image editing and retouching for our clients. We love to do it and that’swhy we try to keep the quality always
How do I take revisions, will it increase the pay?
We’ll gladly make any type of corrections when our experts don’t do so according to you. Ingeneral, we are cordial about the matter. If you need extra work than you told us from thebeginning, we request to consider the matter in payment.
Do you offer a speedy delivery service?
We always follow your instructions and demands. Our services are faster and can be deliveredwithin two to three hours. The number of images, project type, and complexity may vary thedelivery time. In general, images are delivered within 24 hours. If you have an emergency, youmay tell us and then we will do the work following your timeline. Except for a few unavoidableemergencies, we guarantee that you will receive images on time.
Do you have any quality assurance processes?
It is important to finish a project in the time allocated. It is even essential to complete the workwith high quality. We follow strict steps to ensure quality in our work. The process helps us toensure that the final photos are of the highest quality. To ensure quality work, we follow our clients’guidelines or our own standards. If you aren’t satisfied, we will refund 100% of your moneyaccording to company policy


Are there quality assurance procedures in place?

It is very easy to open an account in our portal. Just click on the Sign-Up Or Register option orcontact us for taking support from our team

How do I create an account?

When you complete the signup process, go to the services package from the navigation, thenclick on order. You will even get the opportunity to place a new order from the dashboard. If youneed help, you can contact us to choose the right package for you

What will I do when I forget or lose my password or login details?

There is no issue with getting back to the account by clicking on Forgot Password. Just checkyour email to reset the password or follow the instructions in the given email. Otherwise, contactus through email to get it back to you

How can I transfer large amounts o f data or images?
You can quickly and easily hand over or move large amounts of data to us without any hassle.You can use our portal or FTP. We also use some reliable options for transferring data such as
Dropbox. To assure you we will help you to transfer the data following other verified methods. So,without hesitating contact us for more details and to get support from our team.
Are you able to provide images in all file formats?

There is no problem with sending any known or used image format to use. We are familiar withand work with all types of formats including .jpg, .jpeg,.png. Or .psd. Even if you send the rawformat of the images, we can work with it. However, we discourage you from sending any .exeformats to us.

Is there any restriction on file transfer?

No. You can send large quantities of images without any limitations. You can send images via apersonal FTP account, share a Google Drive folder or photos, our dedicated portal, or useDropbox.

Where can I obtain an FTP account
When you have a large amount of data, we share an FTP account to transfer big-sized images tous. It is a secure and worry-free way of sending large data to us
Is your FTP unlimited?
Yes, the FTP account we share will be in unlimited space. For this reason, we want to knowabout the file size and space requirements of your files.
How can I contact you?
A close connection with clients builds trust. We are available 24/7 with our dedicated support. Thelink below will take you to our contact page.

Pricing and Payment

What package is best for me?

If you’re not sure about which plan to choose for image editing or retouching, we encourage youto contact our team. Our support team will help you choose the right plan considering yourinstructions. Wetry to keep the process easy and helpful for our clients. You will surely get supportfrom us to choose the best package and get the best work from us.

What is the best way to calculate the price for my projects?

We always check the complexity of the images manually and adjust the price accordingly. Formore information, please visit the service page according to your needs

How can you offer a discounted price?

Our primary purpose of working is to offer quality editing services, as well as immediate support.We do not ask for any extra charges for redo and extended support. We only take the paymentfrom our editing services. Our company is more affordable than any other company on the marketwhen you compare quality, mode of services.

When do I need t o pay for your work?

When we complete the photo editing task we will generate the invoice for you, then you can gofor a payment. You can pay us through your account to Pixel Retouching. Without paying us, youare unable to download the images. For payment, if you face any problem, our dedicated supportteam will help you always.

What payment method are you willing to accept?

We accept almost all verified and reliable payment methods around the globe. We prefer PayPal,although you may make direct bankor wire transfer. Even if you like you can make the paymentthrough credit cards

Are you able to offer flexible payment options?

Our clients can pay us at any time during the ongoing project. They can even pay us weekly ormonthly. According to our policy, before downloading the complete work, you have to pay the fullamount

Are images available for download without paying?
No. There is no opportunity to download the images without paying us. It is our policy to keepgood relations with the clients. Although if it is project-based long-term work, you can makescheduled payment with the agreement when making the final decisions.
C an I pay weekly or monthly?
Yes, you can pay us weekly or monthly according to your project. You can make scheduledpayments according to the projects when we both agree with the terms.

Privacy and security

What is the privacy policy of Pixel Retouching?

We encourage you to check our privacy policy before taking the service from us. You can checkour privacy policy from here

How do you ensure the safety of my images?

We believe in security in all stages of our working process. So, you will get the full images withoutany issues now or in the future. If it is necessary we may use some images as a portfolio whenwe get permission only. Hence, never hesitate for safety when working with Pixel Retouching

Do you use images anywhere?

No. As we said before, after getting permission we may only use some images in our portfolio.Otherwise, you have no security issues from us

Can you guarantee the privacy and saf ety of the images?

All of our employees sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect the privacy of the images. Yourimage will not be shared outside of the workplace. Our computers and hardware is built followingthe best security practice and all have firewalls

How can I get the images completed?

We make a profile for you on our FTP server. You can log in here and you can download theimages from here sincerely. After completing all procedures you will get the FTP credentials fromus.

Our clients (the owner of the images) only take the editing services from us. So, why do wedemand copyright? It is completely all right for our clients

Are you a socially responsible company?
As a growing business, we try to keep contributing to socially responsible work. We try to keepthe work ongoing. In the future, we will surely keep big footprints to make more contributions toour society to build a sustainable planet. To bring the challenged people into one umbrella we arealways dedicated


Are you able to process project – based work?

Sure, we offer any type of project-based work for editing and retouching. Our dedicated team isready to help you with any kind of retouching project. Our experts will work on your projectfollowing your instructions. We do not consider the quality

Are you able to offer eCommerce – based services?

We do all types of eCommerce product image editing and our post-processing is highly loved byour clients. You can take any type of enhancement service for your e-commerce business. To geta sample of our work, you can visit the eCommerce photo editing page. It will surely help to getan idea about our work

Do you have a partner, joint – venture or dedicated team member?

Yes, we are very grateful for the opportunity to work together. We are highly experts in the editingand photo retouching sector. So, it always inspires us to deal with large projects. You can surelyhire our dedicated designers to assist you with yourediting needs

Do you offer Amazon or eBay photo editing services?

Yes. Our dedicated photo editor takes care of your photos for Amazon or eBay. You can contactus at any time for your editing work

Is there a minimum order quantity?

No. You can take editing and retouching services for ten, hundred, or thousand photos. There isno limit to our services. We have highly skilled photo editors, those who are dedicated to theirwork.

If we need to signany legal documents for further going, you can surely get support from us. Webelieve in fair policy, so you will get complete assistance from Pixel Retouching


Why Pixel Retouching for my photo editing and retouching work?

We provide one of the best editing opportunities on the market. You can easily access yourphotos, and pay us in a variety of ways for high-quality editing and retouching, and post-processing work. We always work to keep the quality of our photo editing service. Thus, you’llreceive top-quality services fast at a reasonable price. According to the projects, we provide ourcommitted expert designers.

Where is Pixel Retouching located?

Pixel Retouching is a renowned company for graphic design solutions. There are many designservices but not all of them deliver top-quality work. Therefore, we are working from Bangladesh,a south Asian country and you have no doubt that you’ll receive superior service from us.

Do you work on weekends?

It always depends on the type of project. In general, our team is available 24 hours from Mondayto Saturday. However, if necessary we always try to keep our clients happy and to meet theirneeds. For this reason, if it is necessary to work on the weekend, we’ll surely do it for you.

Do you have any certification?

We are a team of expert designers. Our team is well-educated in the design sector. At the sametime, we are working for a decade in the design industry. We have some local and internationalrecognition you can surely check from the feedback section. For this reason, we can assure youof guaranteed work without any hassle

What is your working time?

We offer 24 hours service as we have always ready designers in our team. We ensure no-delaydelivery for our work. If we need to do extra work on the weekends we do it to keep our clientshappy without any extra charge. Need to mention, our support will give you the necessary supportall the time

What image editing software do you use for editing services?

For editing services, we use the up-to-date Adobe Image Editing Suite to edit the images. Ourservice ensures quality editing and retouching for all our clients. We guarantee our work forcommercial uses for promotion as well as for personal branding


What is the turnaround time of Pixel Retouching?

We work following your instructions and the time period you need. Important to realize, the turningtime depends on the type of work, amount of images, complexity, and projects. We ensure fastwork keeping the quality. So, we encourage you to contact us to get an overall idea about yourprojects

What is the system of the free trial?

Our trial period is completely free. Here you get the chance of the ability to edit one image foreach service when deciding to work with us. We provide a trial for free to test the quality of theediting process. When you like the editing work, we will goforward with the next steps. To getmore information about the free trial according to your project or images, please contact our teamor read our privacy policy about the trial period.

How can I send images for the free trial?

It is quite easy to sendimages for a free trial. We will share an email address and send us animage with your instructions to get the job done. After finishing our work, we will again transferthe file to you following the same method. If you need further revision, you may contact us to doit properly. Hope you have understood

What kinds of photos do you retouch?

We offer retouching services for any kind of photo. Our retouching work is highly enhanced andimproved. If you want to know more about theRetouching services of Pixel Retouching, checkout the photo retouching service page.

How can I get several variations of my images?

When you are taking our services, mention the variations you need. We will work according to theguideline. Again, please ensure the required variations you need before submitting the order.

Do you provide PSD with the layered output?

Yes, we do it for our clients. But you need to mention it when submitting the order. It may increasethe rates of post-production. Actually, it takes time, we need to do some extra work. To ensure,there is no problem with taking PSD layered output.

What type of image editing and retouching services do you offer?
We provide any type of image editing services that includes background removal, headshotretouching, photo retouching, editing, photo manipulation, eCommerce product photo editing,shadowing, color enhancement, portrait enhancement, image cropping and resizing, glamorretouching, sky replacement, body retouching, jewelry retouching, real estate photo editing, etc.
Actually, we do all types of image editing and retouching for our clients. We love to do it and that’swhy we try to keep the quality always
How do I take revisions, will it increase the pay?
We’ll gladly make any type of corrections when our experts don’t do so according to you. Ingeneral, we are cordial about the matter. If you need extra work than you told us from thebeginning, we request to consider the matter in payment.
Do you offer a speedy delivery service?
We always follow your instructions and demands. Our services are faster and can be deliveredwithin two to three hours. The number of images, project type, and complexity may vary thedelivery time. In general, images are delivered within 24 hours. If you have an emergency, youmay tell us and then we will do the work following your timeline. Except for a few unavoidableemergencies, we guarantee that you will receive images on time.
Do you have any quality assurance processes?
It is important to finish a project in the time allocated. It is even essential to complete the workwith high quality. We follow strict steps to ensure quality in our work. The process helps us toensure that the final photos are of the highest quality. To ensure quality work, we follow our clients’guidelines or our own standards. If you aren’t satisfied, we will refund 100% of your moneyaccording to company policy


Are there quality assurance procedures in place?

It is very easy to open an account in our portal. Just click on the Sign-Up Or Register option orcontact us for taking support from our team

How do I create an account?

When you complete the signup process, go to the services package from the navigation, thenclick on order. You will even get the opportunity to place a new order from the dashboard. If youneed help, you can contact us to choose the right package for you

What will I do when I forget or lose my password or login details?

There is no issue with getting back to the account by clicking on Forgot Password. Just checkyour email to reset the password or follow the instructions in the given email. Otherwise, contactus through email to get it back to you

How can I transfer large amounts o f data or images?
You can quickly and easily hand over or move large amounts of data to us without any hassle.You can use our portal or FTP. We also use some reliable options for transferring data such as
Dropbox. To assure you we will help you to transfer the data following other verified methods. So,without hesitating contact us for more details and to get support from our team.
Are you able to provide images in all file formats?

There is no problem with sending any known or used image format to use. We are familiar withand work with all types of formats including .jpg, .jpeg,.png. Or .psd. Even if you send the rawformat of the images, we can work with it. However, we discourage you from sending any .exeformats to us.

Is there any restriction on file transfer?

No. You can send large quantities of images without any limitations. You can send images via apersonal FTP account, share a Google Drive folder or photos, our dedicated portal, or useDropbox.

Where can I obtain an FTP account
When you have a large amount of data, we share an FTP account to transfer big-sized images tous. It is a secure and worry-free way of sending large data to us
Is your FTP unlimited?
Yes, the FTP account we share will be in unlimited space. For this reason, we want to knowabout the file size and space requirements of your files.
How can I contact you?
A close connection with clients builds trust. We are available 24/7 with our dedicated support. Thelink below will take you to our contact page.

Pricing and Payment

What package is best for me?

If you’re not sure about which plan to choose for image editing or retouching, we encourage youto contact our team. Our support team will help you choose the right plan considering yourinstructions. Wetry to keep the process easy and helpful for our clients. You will surely get supportfrom us to choose the best package and get the best work from us.

What is the best way to calculate the price for my projects?

We always check the complexity of the images manually and adjust the price accordingly. Formore information, please visit the service page according to your needs

How can you offer a discounted price?

Our primary purpose of working is to offer quality editing services, as well as immediate support.We do not ask for any extra charges for redo and extended support. We only take the paymentfrom our editing services. Our company is more affordable than any other company on the marketwhen you compare quality, mode of services.

When do I need t o pay for your work?

When we complete the photo editing task we will generate the invoice for you, then you can gofor a payment. You can pay us through your account to Pixel Retouching. Without paying us, youare unable to download the images. For payment, if you face any problem, our dedicated supportteam will help you always.

What payment method are you willing to accept?

We accept almost all verified and reliable payment methods around the globe. We prefer PayPal,although you may make direct bankor wire transfer. Even if you like you can make the paymentthrough credit cards

Are you able to offer flexible payment options?

Our clients can pay us at any time during the ongoing project. They can even pay us weekly ormonthly. According to our policy, before downloading the complete work, you have to pay the fullamount

Are images available for download without paying?
No. There is no opportunity to download the images without paying us. It is our policy to keepgood relations with the clients. Although if it is project-based long-term work, you can makescheduled payment with the agreement when making the final decisions.
C an I pay weekly or monthly?
Yes, you can pay us weekly or monthly according to your project. You can make scheduledpayments according to the projects when we both agree with the terms.

Privacy and security

What is the privacy policy of Pixel Retouching?

We encourage you to check our privacy policy before taking the service from us. You can checkour privacy policy from here

How do you ensure the safety of my images?

We believe in security in all stages of our working process. So, you will get the full images withoutany issues now or in the future. If it is necessary we may use some images as a portfolio whenwe get permission only. Hence, never hesitate for safety when working with Pixel Retouching

Do you use images anywhere?

No. As we said before, after getting permission we may only use some images in our portfolio.Otherwise, you have no security issues from us

Can you guarantee the privacy and saf ety of the images?

All of our employees sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect the privacy of the images. Yourimage will not be shared outside of the workplace. Our computers and hardware is built followingthe best security practice and all have firewalls

How can I get the images completed?

We make a profile for you on our FTP server. You can log in here and you can download theimages from here sincerely. After completing all procedures you will get the FTP credentials fromus.

Our clients (the owner of the images) only take the editing services from us. So, why do wedemand copyright? It is completely all right for our clients

Are you a socially responsible company?
As a growing business, we try to keep contributing to socially responsible work. We try to keepthe work ongoing. In the future, we will surely keep big footprints to make more contributions toour society to build a sustainable planet. To bring the challenged people into one umbrella we arealways dedicated


Are you able to process project – based work?

Sure, we offer any type of project-based work for editing and retouching. Our dedicated team isready to help you with any kind of retouching project. Our experts will work on your projectfollowing your instructions. We do not consider the quality

Are you able to offer eCommerce – based services?

We do all types of eCommerce product image editing and our post-processing is highly loved byour clients. You can take any type of enhancement service for your e-commerce business. To geta sample of our work, you can visit the eCommerce photo editing page. It will surely help to getan idea about our work

Do you have a partner, joint – venture or dedicated team member?

Yes, we are very grateful for the opportunity to work together. We are highly experts in the editingand photo retouching sector. So, it always inspires us to deal with large projects. You can surelyhire our dedicated designers to assist you with yourediting needs

Do you offer Amazon or eBay photo editing services?

Yes. Our dedicated photo editor takes care of your photos for Amazon or eBay. You can contactus at any time for your editing work

Is there a minimum order quantity?

No. You can take editing and retouching services for ten, hundred, or thousand photos. There isno limit to our services. We have highly skilled photo editors, those who are dedicated to theirwork.

If we need to signany legal documents for further going, you can surely get support from us. Webelieve in fair policy, so you will get complete assistance from Pixel Retouching

Pixel Retouching logo

Get professional services to enhance perfection on your photos

You can avoid the hassle of having to spend hours doing photo editing. Join us and get a fresh look at your photos in the most beautiful way.

orange elips
orange elips
Ellipse filled
Polygon brown
Polygon brown
Group 61
Group 61